Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Where to get organic milk in Mumbai

Not many people are aware but India is the largest and biggest producer of milk in the world. Being home to more than 306 million dairy cows, we produce close to a million gallons of milk each day for consumption. Even here, milk is divided into many categories and two of the highest selling is conventional and organic milk. While both are almost the same, organic milk is considered a much healthier option as compared to its conventional counterpart. Mumbai itself has many milk producing stations and organic milk in Mumbai has become an important part of a healthy lifestyle in the city.

Many health practitioners advice the use of organic milk over conventional type because of various health benefits associated with it. It is said that consumption of organic milk helps to increase the level of omega 3 fatty acids in the body. These are some of the most essential fats stored in the body and are required for normal regulation and to avoid certain health risks. You can find fresh milk in Mumbai at different location and with different retailers.

Most of the brands here run on a farm to home delivery service and offer impeccable taste and service along with the finest quality of milk. Stating the benefits of organic milk, they maintain that their cows are not fed pesticides and artificial food. They make fresh milk delivery across the city. They are a part of India’s new crop of organic, fair-trade, and artisanal food products. Many of these brands are based out of Mumbai but supply farm fresh milk in almost every part of the city.

While many argue that there is not much difference when it comes to conventional and organic milk, studies and research have shown that organic is definitely a better or we can say a healthier option. The reason being, here, milk is from cows that have been exclusively fed organic feed with no mammalian or poultry by-products, have access to pasture throughout the grazing season, are not treated with synthetic hormones, and are not given antibiotics. Organic milk Mumbai is one of the biggest centers of production.

Dairy farmers across the country are committed to producing high-quality milk and maintaining proper animal care and environmental practices on their farms. The taste of milk, regardless of whether it is organically or conventionally produced, can differ slightly from bottle to bottle and season to season. Factors that may impact taste include location of the farm, breed of the cow, variations in cows’ feed and even the time of year. A number of social enterprises and businesses today are engaged in bringing pure milk and dairy products and organic milk Mumbai is ultra-pasteurized for longer freshness may have a slightly different taste.