Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Drink fresh milk to stay healthy

Human body requires several important nutrients which are very essential for acquiring energy and strength. Milk is the prime source of protein and other minerals which makes it one of the important sources for human growth.

Where is milk produced in India? The production of milk in India is active in the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. The top milk producing state is indeed Gujarat where the White Revolution took place.  Apart from milk, there is a large-scale manufacturing of milk-related items like cheese, ghee, butter, etc. There is a requirement of these products in every Indian household which makes them an integral part of the human diet. Where can we find the best cow milk? The rural areas are the regions which produce non-adulterated milk. The urban areas are fed with processed milk produced from cows which are treated with hormones and other chemicals to increase production.

Fresh cow milk is the purest form of milk which is acquired from cattle which are raised in their natural habitat. In the modern time, there are only few milk manufacturing companies which have stressed on fresh cow milk. The rural areas are the prime centres where this grade of milk is available in large quantities.

The organic milk or fresh milk producing cows are not treated with antibiotics. These cattle are offered grass and other farm food items in order to retain their natural metabolism. The grazing season is the perfect time when their production is the highest. People believe that organic milk is not safe due to the presence of certain bacteria and it requires certain level of processing. But there are various benefits of fresh milk. The perfect balance of omega-6 and omega-3 in the human body is maintained through the consumption of organic milk. Organic milk contains 25% less omega-6 fats as compared to regular milk. Apart from this, the content of omerga-3 fats is 62% higher in organic milk which is counted as a beneficial factor for human growth.

People must start consuming milk in order to improve bone strength. Infants and small children must be offered milk at least 2-3 times a day. Several researches have proven that, milk can help cure a variety of health disorders. There are several measures which are being implemented to increase the production to feed the growing population. 

Monday, 14 December 2015

Living chemical free with farm fresh milk

If you check the refrigerator of any normal household in any part of the world, you would surely come across this liquid. Milk is the lifeline for a majority of the global population. When a child is born, he/she is fed with mother’s milk, and as he/she grows, it is advisory to offer cow’s milk. It is a healthy and nutritious product, which must be consumed by every human to stay active and fit. India is a country which is the world leader in the manufacturing of milk and milk products such as butter, cheese, ghee etc. Every Indian family requires a regular supply of milk to balance their daily nutrition content.

The scientific benefits of milk are immense. Cow’s milk is regarded as a rich source of minerals such as calcium. Calcium is the key mineral that is responsible for bone development. That is the reason, infants are only fed with milk so that they acquire strong bones. Vitamin D is another important element present in milk that also favours bone health. Calcium also helps in maintaining teeth strength. Cow’s milk is also a good source of potassium. If the human body receives potassium along with a decrease in sodium intake, then it helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some research suggests that milk can also help prevent colorectal cancer. The level of Vitamin D present in milk can play a major role in cancer protection and cell growth regulation. Cow’s milk is a perfect source of protein that helps in muscle building. The essential amino acids present in milk offer supreme energy to perform various activities. Farm fresh milk is the organic liquid which is taken from the cows without any kind of alteration. This raw milk is not homogenized, pasteurized or frozen. This is the real milk which is not adulterated. There are a number of milk manufacturing companies that are actively supplying millions of litres of milk to different parts of the country. They have set up their network so that there is a regular supply of milk to every household.

The advantage of fresh milk is that it helps to balance the omega-6 and omega-3 levels in our body. Apart from this, in fresh milk, the butter fat separates on its own and forms a cream line. Fresh milk delivery can be acquired through any of the milk vendors. In the urban areas, there might be difficulty to acquire fresh milk but the rural areas are rich in farm fresh milk.

Monday, 19 October 2015

What is organic milk?

What is actually required in milk to make it organic? This indeed is a normal question when people contemplate the additional cost associated with the organic milk. As per the experts in the Department of Agriculture there are four basic requirements for milk to be labeled as organic milk.

The number one requirement for milk to be organic is that it should not be treated with any form of antibiotics. In the case of non-organic milk production if a cow requires antibiotics, it is treated with it. However, post that several tests are conducted and then the cow is allowed to return to the herd only after the tests confirm that the cow no longer has the effect of antibiotics in its body. In most cases, the antibiotic treated cow is kept away from the herd for a period of 12 months.

The cows should have the access to pastures. As per the current standards there is no specific duration for the cows to be allowed to have access to the pasture land.

In order to get country fresh milk, the cows must not be treated with BGH or the bovine growth hormone. This hormone is generally used to accentuate the milk production. Studies show that presence of the BGH hormones in milk might lead to higher levels of IGF or the insulin growth factor.  This might increase the risk of hormone related cancers. A diet rich in IGF can also lead to weight gain.

The fourth requirement is how the cow is fed. The organic cows must only be fed grass or grains that are not treated with pesticides. If all these four requirements are fulfilled then the milk can be labeled as organic milk.

Now, that we know how good and healthy the organic milk is its cost shouldn’t restrict you from buying it. The nutrients in milk of the cow are good for the health of both the adults and the kids consuming it. Some of the key nutrients in the cow milk are lactose, proteins, casein, whey proteins, milk fat, Phospholipids, Vitamins and minerals. Lactose or the milk sugar is the carbohydrate of the milk. The protein found in the milk is a major source of the essential amino acids. These might not be attained from the normal food diet. Casein is exclusive to the cow milk. Milk also contains milk fat that is easily digested by the body. Thus consumption of cow milk is a good idea for people of all age groups.  

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Benefits of consuming organic milk brands in India

Organic milk is obviously costlier than regular milk. It is truly worth the expense since is it is much healthier when compared to regular milk. It tastes better and purchasing the organic milk promotes natural farming methods.

There are different brands of organic milk that are easily available these days. These milk brands in India came into existence since the organic milk market has found the much needed acceptance in the lives of the people. The demand is growing considerably amongst the urban population of the country, all thanks to the rise in awareness of the benefits.

The organic milk is taken from the cows that are raised on pastures. They are never given any hormones or antibiotics in their entire life span. Thus, there quality is never hampered. The pastures where the cows go for grazing are never treated with the pesticides, therefore the entire produce is organic. Most modern dairy farms in India are going the organic way.

The milk from the cows that are treated with hormones so as to accentuate the output of the milk are not organic. These cows are kept in some tiny stalls and are then fed on the grains that are genetically enhanced. The health standards are intact and these cows that were given antibiotics are removed from the milk production till the time the antibiotic has been drained from their system. Most modern dairy farm in India undergo regular testing so as to ensure that no antibiotics are present in the milk because that will affect the quality of the brands of organic milk.

There are a couple of differences in the organic as well as regular milk. The major differences are in the vitamins and minerals that are present in regular milk versus organic milk. There is a major difference in the taste of the two. In case, someone has been drinking milk from the organic milk brands in India then they will find it really hard to switch back to regular milk. This is because the brands offering organic milk taste much better than regular milk.

Another essential fact is that it contains a considerably greater quantity of healthy nutrients and vitamins. The organic milk has about 50% more Vitamin E than regular milk. There is also a 75% more beta carotene in it. Most importantly, there are three times more antioxidants present in the brands of organic milk than regular milk. These cows graze on the red clover that is naturally rich in Omega 3. Thus, the milk brands in India have essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

But, it is to be noted that the quantity of the Omega 3 is just not a significant addition. There is also 500% more Conjugated linoleic acid in organic milk. The CLA is known to increase the metabolism as well as eliminate the abdominal fat. It is even known to lower the cholesterol levels and increase immunity.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Where to find organic milk in Mumbai

There is no denying that today in this dynamic world, India is the leading producer of milk and dairy products surpassing super powers all across the globe even the United states of America. The leading dairy product companies and major milk brands in India are owned both by government and private companies that are mostly under the control of different state governments. The major dairy product companies in India work collectively with National Dairy development Board (NDDB) towards elimination of malnutrition amongst small children and ensuring that they receive an optimal amount of nourishment. The leading dairies in India, which are controlled by different state governments, are generally co-operatives.  The key objective of these co-operatives is not to process milk but to produce milk and it also is a major source of employment in the rural regions of India.
Leading milk brands in India

Some of the best brands deliver organic milk in Mumbai and other metropolitan cities. This milk is fresh unadulterated and conveniently delivered each day at your doorstep. It is processed in an elaborate way untouched by humans. Organic milk is basically the milk produced by cows fed on fodder that is free of toxins and artificial fertilizers. The cows are not injected with illegal doses of antibiotics and banned hormones that increase milk production. Also the piping of milks and its pasteurization is done with the help of automated systems. This ensures no human contact which might lead to contamination. A number of social enterprises and businesses today are engaged in bringing pure milk at your doorstep.

Cow dairy farms in India
Dairy farming has become a very popular business in India and it is also a very safe business venture:

  • It is eco-friendly and doesn’t cause environmental pollution as compared to its industrial counter-parts.
  • It also requires relatively less skilled labor.
  • It requires very less investment.
  • Entire establishments can be shifted to a new location. 
  • One can also insure animals.
  • It also requires less energy. Biogas plant is fed with cow dung and it can supply energy to meet the farm’s day to day requirement.

India has major cow dairy farms in Pune, Karnataka and northern India also houses famous cow dairy farms. Thus, it can be safely stated that India is currently the backbone of milk Industry all over the world.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Pure cow milk in Mumbai

For an infant, milk is a staple diet that continues to be an important factor in the development of children throughout their growing years. There are various nutrients found in milk such as phosphorous, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, riboflavin and many others. As milk adulteration has become a huge concern these days, it is probably the reason why people are seeking pure milk from various brands. There are many brands of milk that offers fresh, organic and pure cow milk in Mumbai and other metros across the country such as Govardhan that offers fresh, pure and unadulterated milk. Second is Pride of Cows that offers fresh, bottled and chilled organic milk. Third is Dr. Moo, which provides unadulterated milk in many localities in Mumbai. Fourth is Atul Dairy and the last one is Sarda Farms.
fresh milk
fresh milk
Some important nutrients in milk
  1. Most importantly milk is an essential dietary source of calcium. It has many functions in the body such as maintenance of bone, teeth, healing wounds, muscle contractions, blood clotting, maintaining blood pressure, etc.
  2. Milk also has Chlorine that is an important nutrient helps in learning, sleep, memory power and muscle movement.
  3. Milk also has vitamin D which is important for growth, bone health, repair of bones and also aid in the formation of bones. Moreover, it helps in preventing from muscle pain, osteoporosis, colon and breast cancer, chronic fatigue, hypertension, depression and PMS.
  4. Milk also has potassium associated with protection against heart disease, risk of heart stroke, preservation of bone mineral density, and prevention from forming kidney stones and loss of muscle mass.
Apart from all these milk also has vitamin A, vitamin B-6 and B-12, magnesium, riboflavin, niacin, and phosphorous.
benefits of milk
benefits of milk
Health benefits of pure cow milk
  1. Milk has an array of health benefits such as it is essential for healthy bones and teeth not only for children but for adults as well. It also helps in tooth decay.
  2. The protein in milk helps in rebuilding muscles and helps in keeping soreness at bay after the exercise or any other kind of workouts.
  3. Low-fat or skim milk also helps in reducing weight. Apart from being a great appetizer adding a glass of milk to your dinner can help in weight loss.
  4. Milk also has properties that lower the risk of strokes and high blood pressure. It also reduces the production of cholesterol and act as an antacid.
A glass of milk also helps to relax your muscles after a day of stress. It also proven to an energy booster and reduces the symptoms of PMS.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Unadulterated pure cow milk in Mumbai

Milk is a healthy option for your body which is rich in different vitamins and nutrients. It is also an excellent source of essential fat and provides 300 milligrams of calcium per serving. It also helps in reducing the danger of colon cancer, risk of osteoporosis and high BP. In order to improve livelihood, small-scale farmers successfully engage in milk production in India. Since independence, India has been on a steady growth of progression in the dairy industry. Today, cow milk production in India is leading the world as the country is the largest consumer and producer of milk. From octogenarians to babies everyone needs a glass full of milk which is why the country has more than 304 million dairy cows catering to the need.


People who have grown up in villages or small towns may remember finding fresh milk from the cow but for a city dweller milk is more likely to arrive in a carton or plastic bag at some grocery stores. If you are living in Mumbai, you would remember those good old days when there were some brands which offered pure milk such as Gowardhan, one of India’s largest private diaries. Apart from Gowardhan other brands that are providing unadulterated pure cow milk in Mumbai is Pride of Cows, Dr. Moo, Atul Dairy and Sarda Farms. With a strong demand for dairy products and the rise in disposable income, the dairy industry in India will experience high growth in future.


The Indian dairy industry is dominated by unorganized sector, characterized by high fragmentation, and, rather than in bulk, dairy products are sold in smaller units. One of the first concerns when it comes to milk is the right brand to choose especially for kids. While some assume that the milk that delivered in the doorstep is good, others thought that tetra-milk might be safer. As the milk adulteration has become a huge concern these days that is probably the reason why people are paying large amount of money to deliver pure milk from a hygienic farm to home. There are many milk production brands in Mumbai which are providing doorstep milk delivery service. The first is Gowardhan brand that is a preferred choice not only for the masses but for the classes as well.


Moreover, the brand supply fresh milk by uniformed and trained delivery staff and the milk will be refrigerated during the journey. Second is Pride of Cows that also offers bottled, fresh and chilled milk at your doorstep. Third is Dr Moo that offers 100% pure organic milk with all the vital nutrients and delivered it to your home. Atul Dairy has internationally certified premium breed cows and offers fresh and unadulterated milk. Last is Sarda Farms that have different kinds of milks that is pasteurized, safe and healthy. The milk will be delivered directly from their farm to your home.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

A look through main nutrients in milk

Milk does lots of good to our bodies. But, are people aware of what nutrient does milk contain? It has calcium and phosphorus that our bodies need to build and maintain strong bones and teeth. It also facilitates proper contraction of muscles. It is also a valuable source of high quality protein. It also provides amount of vitamin A, B and D, which promote proper growth and development. Milk should be an integral part of our diet. It is very good to drink a glass of milk everyday to ensure your body strength. It can also provide defence against osteoporosis and other bone diseases for many years.


Apart from calcium, there are 8 other essential nutrients in milk. Potassium is one among the main nutrients in milk. It helps in regulating the fluid balance of the body. It also helps to maintain the normal blood pressure. Potassium is very good for muscle activity and contraction. Phosphorus in milk can generate energy in body’s cells. Protein is another major nutrient in milk. There are people who believe protein comes from meats alone. But protein in cheese and milk can build and repair muscle tissues. Vitamin D which is also known as sunshine vitamin is also a major nutrient of milk. It helps in promoting absorption of calcium and it can enhance the body strength. Vitamin A is helps in normal vision and skin. Milk contains vitamin A too. Vitamin B12 in blood helps to maintain healthy red blood cells and nerve cells. Niacin in milk helps in digesting fatty acids and sugars. Final component is vitamin B2, which helps to convert food into energy which can be used by body. This vitamin can improve your eyesight and protect your skin.   


Dairy industry in India plays a major role in the socio-economic development of India. This industry in India provides cheap food for vast population and creates many job opportunities too. If you take a list of top 10 milk brands in India, Amul and Mother Dairy is expected to come at the top. These 2 brands are one of the oldest brands in India. In India Dairy industry has huge potential when compared to other industries. The basic raw material, milk is available in abundance in India. There is no scarcity of technical labourers in this country. Technological infrastructure for dairy industry is available here and finally the open market system supports this industry. KMF, Kwality limited, Aavin, Milma, OMFED, Dudhsagar dairy, AP dairy and Dynamix dairy are the other major dairies in the country.   


There is a great opportunity for foreign investors to invest in dairy industry in India. They can gain profitable returns in a small period.

Friday, 17 July 2015

What are the health benefits of milk that can keep you healthy?

How many times have you come across brands promoting their milk products and speaking about their essential nutrients? Kids, adults, athletes, old people, everyone, requires this natural beverage to suit their needs and for multiple purposes. While some require it to drink after a workout session, some need milk for preparing sweets as a part of their lifestyle and tradition. But, the essence of milk goes beyond just consuming it for health. Today, people are looking out for the best cow milk that is non-adulterated and provides a delicious taste. Not only brands but also the government emphasizes on the consumption of milk in every household.


One of the major health benefits of milk is calcium. Calcium plays a vital role in many functions, but the primary job of the body is the improvement as well as maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is required for the clotting of blood, healing the wound, maintaining normal blood pressure, along with the muscle contractions including heartbeat. It is necessary to try to pair calcium-rich foods along with a source of vitamin D. In fact, vitamin D helps the small intestine to absorb calcium. As it is a rich source of choline; it helps the body with sleep, memory enhancement, and muscle movement. The vitamin works on maintaining the structure of cellular membranes. It aids in the transmission of nerve impulses as well as assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation. If you are still querying as to what are the health benefits of milk, then you need to know that it is a never-ending list.


Some people may argue, but the fact is that milk indirectly resolves problems related to depression. Adequate vitamin D provides support to the production of serotonin. The hormone is apparently associated with sleep, mood, and sleep. Vitamin D deficiency has also been correlated with depression, and PMS. Balancing and maintaining a healthy amount of muscle is essential for supporting metabolism and contributing to weight loss and weight maintenance. A diet which is packed with sufficient proteins is required to sustain or boost lean muscle mass. In such case, dairy proteins are a must for supporting muscle growth and repair. Purchasing the best milk brand in India is important to make sure you are drinking high-quality and fresh milk. 


We all have heard tales how milk has helped in increasing bone density and making the teeth stronger. It is a result of the powerful combination of calcium and vitamin D. Research reveals that it is essential to consume an equally balanced diet while taking adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D. That is needed to prevent skeletal bone diseases and osteoporosis. By doing regular physical activity, Pilates, and strength training, you can be assured of maintaining good health. Also, it is always advised that to gain the complete benefits of the best cow milk; one should avoid smoking as it could contribute to overall bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Do ensure that you drink a glass of milk every day and bid goodbye to all your health problems.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

The health wonders of organic milk in Mumbai

A growing child, a pregnant woman and a senior citizen who needs bone strength must drink milk. A calcium-deficiency patient, a newborn baby who needs nutrition and every other human on earth relies on farm fresh milk every single day. However, when you drink milk, you are prone to consume millions of good and bad bacteria. But are you aware that most of the times, the milk is adulterated? It is one of the major issues that the dairy industry faces these days. A reason for this is because adulteration tends to reduce the nutritive value, lactic content, and causes stomach infections and other health problems. Here comes organic cow milk as the biggest solution to this problem.

It is very important for you to know the significance of consuming organic milk. According to a survey conducted, it was found that those who drank conventional milk had a higher omega 6 to omega 3 ratios as compared to those who drank organic milk. Organic milk is found in various cities across India. On a global platform, it is widely consumed by people all over the world. One of the major health benefits of organic milk in Mumbai is that it is free from germs and is extremely nutritious. It contains greater amounts of conjugated linoleic acid, which is a cancer-fighting acid. Milk from cows raised on fresh green pastures has been shown to be higher in nutrients. Some of them include Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, omega-3, and CLA.

It has been found that lactating cows or organically managed farms receive a massive daily intake of dry matter while cows on conventional farms receive less. Organic milk found in Pune is loaded with healthy bacteria that is good for the gastrointestinal tract. It has more than sixty digestive enzymes, growth factors, and immunoglobulin. As the milk is rich in fats, amino acids, and proteins it is cent percent digestible.

Drinking organic milk has added benefits. People who switch from drinking pasteurized milk to raw milk, experience complete health improvement and face no health issues from digestive problems to eczema. During pasteurization, the fats are oxidized, proteins are denatured, and enzymes are destroyed resulting in foods that are harmful to our health. To avoid it, we should consider switching to raw organic milk available in Mumbai and Pune.

The amount of heat treatment done plays a significant role in determining the taste of milk. Some factors such as ultra-heat treatment used by milk producers can change the taste of milk. You must ensure that the milk you choose arrives from a high-quality source. Milk that is derived from smaller and cleaner farms can be consumed safely without the need of pasteurization. Even if you are drinking pasteurized milk, the farmers are still committed to providing safe and organic milk. Milk from a local organic farm is one of the best ways you can be ensured that you will receive high-quality hormone-free milk.

Always make sure you pick up farm fresh organic cow milk as it is not just safeguarding the well-being of you and your family but also keeping the cows safe and healthy.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Where to get organic milk in Mumbai

Not many people are aware but India is the largest and biggest producer of milk in the world. Being home to more than 306 million dairy cows, we produce close to a million gallons of milk each day for consumption. Even here, milk is divided into many categories and two of the highest selling is conventional and organic milk. While both are almost the same, organic milk is considered a much healthier option as compared to its conventional counterpart. Mumbai itself has many milk producing stations and organic milk in Mumbai has become an important part of a healthy lifestyle in the city.

Many health practitioners advice the use of organic milk over conventional type because of various health benefits associated with it. It is said that consumption of organic milk helps to increase the level of omega 3 fatty acids in the body. These are some of the most essential fats stored in the body and are required for normal regulation and to avoid certain health risks. You can find fresh milk in Mumbai at different location and with different retailers.

Most of the brands here run on a farm to home delivery service and offer impeccable taste and service along with the finest quality of milk. Stating the benefits of organic milk, they maintain that their cows are not fed pesticides and artificial food. They make fresh milk delivery across the city. They are a part of India’s new crop of organic, fair-trade, and artisanal food products. Many of these brands are based out of Mumbai but supply farm fresh milk in almost every part of the city.

While many argue that there is not much difference when it comes to conventional and organic milk, studies and research have shown that organic is definitely a better or we can say a healthier option. The reason being, here, milk is from cows that have been exclusively fed organic feed with no mammalian or poultry by-products, have access to pasture throughout the grazing season, are not treated with synthetic hormones, and are not given antibiotics. Organic milk Mumbai is one of the biggest centers of production.

Dairy farmers across the country are committed to producing high-quality milk and maintaining proper animal care and environmental practices on their farms. The taste of milk, regardless of whether it is organically or conventionally produced, can differ slightly from bottle to bottle and season to season. Factors that may impact taste include location of the farm, breed of the cow, variations in cows’ feed and even the time of year. A number of social enterprises and businesses today are engaged in bringing pure milk and dairy products and organic milk Mumbai is ultra-pasteurized for longer freshness may have a slightly different taste.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Different people benefiting from organic cow milk in Mumbai

The growing importance of nutrition has paved way for people to follow balanced diets and their food intakes in a thorough and systematic manner. People today have become health conscious when it comes to what they eat and of which brand. Food has also become a target of branding and more and more people prefer eating branded foods and drinks in today’s time. Even essentials such as tea and coffee have various options to choose from. Organic food has become the new thing, especially in the higher strata of the society, which is picking up pace.
Who all can benefit from having organic cow milk in Mumbai?
  • Fitness freaks: Fitness freaks benefit from it a lot.
  • Bodybuilders
  • Actors and actresses
  • Athletes and adults.
  • Models
  • Children: Children can also benefit from having organic cow milk in Mumbai which will help in their growth.

It is very important for people to get their right source of milk delivered at the door-steps, since it saves a lot of valuable time.
What are the benefits of getting fresh milk delivered at home?
  • Saves cost- It can save a lot of valuable money, since at times market places are far-off from one’s residence.
  • Saves time- It saves on time for most people who need to rush in for their work early in the morning.
  • No hassles of daily purchase- There is no hassles of daily purchase if one takes fresh milk delivery at home on a regular basis.
  • Freshness of the daily-drink is always taken care of by the one supplying it
  • Fresher than canned or packed drinks.
Over the years, a lot of drinks and food items have taken great importance in the balanced diet. A few products have been very critical in the growth of bones and muscles of the human body and thus need to be taken as a daily-drink.
Why should one have best cow milk over any other one?
  • Quality is very important since the daily-drink is responsible for maintaining a balanced diet.
  • Most other local dairy suppliers might mix water with it
  • Makes sure the body gets all the nutrition
  • Cost is never a parameter when it comes to inelastic products, thus best cow milk can be taken to prevent any disorders that might arise to one’s children and family.
  • To avail of all the health benefits it gives us.
What are the health benefits farm fresh milk provides us with?
  • Muscle growth: Muscle growth is only possible through protein, which is found in milk.
  • Bone development: It is a key for bone development, especially for children.
  • Preventing depression and fatigue- Having farm fresh milk on a daily basis has been proven to give energy to its consumers.
  • Helping lower blood pressure: It controls blood pressure, especially for adults.
  • Source of vitamin A and D: It is also a major source of vitamins and most importantly calcium.