Monday, 19 October 2015

What is organic milk?

What is actually required in milk to make it organic? This indeed is a normal question when people contemplate the additional cost associated with the organic milk. As per the experts in the Department of Agriculture there are four basic requirements for milk to be labeled as organic milk.

The number one requirement for milk to be organic is that it should not be treated with any form of antibiotics. In the case of non-organic milk production if a cow requires antibiotics, it is treated with it. However, post that several tests are conducted and then the cow is allowed to return to the herd only after the tests confirm that the cow no longer has the effect of antibiotics in its body. In most cases, the antibiotic treated cow is kept away from the herd for a period of 12 months.

The cows should have the access to pastures. As per the current standards there is no specific duration for the cows to be allowed to have access to the pasture land.

In order to get country fresh milk, the cows must not be treated with BGH or the bovine growth hormone. This hormone is generally used to accentuate the milk production. Studies show that presence of the BGH hormones in milk might lead to higher levels of IGF or the insulin growth factor.  This might increase the risk of hormone related cancers. A diet rich in IGF can also lead to weight gain.

The fourth requirement is how the cow is fed. The organic cows must only be fed grass or grains that are not treated with pesticides. If all these four requirements are fulfilled then the milk can be labeled as organic milk.

Now, that we know how good and healthy the organic milk is its cost shouldn’t restrict you from buying it. The nutrients in milk of the cow are good for the health of both the adults and the kids consuming it. Some of the key nutrients in the cow milk are lactose, proteins, casein, whey proteins, milk fat, Phospholipids, Vitamins and minerals. Lactose or the milk sugar is the carbohydrate of the milk. The protein found in the milk is a major source of the essential amino acids. These might not be attained from the normal food diet. Casein is exclusive to the cow milk. Milk also contains milk fat that is easily digested by the body. Thus consumption of cow milk is a good idea for people of all age groups.